SilverCloud provides a free, private space to help you feel better through personalised content, tools, and support.
Is it for me?
SilverCloud Wales is a supported self-help service based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for adults and young people aged 16+, and for parents and carers of children as young as 4.
It’s for people with mild-to-moderate mental health symptoms who are registered with a GP in Wales, or who live in Wales, and who are not receiving support from secondary or tertiary mental health services (e.g. not under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist).

Studies show that online CBT is just as effective as face-to-face therapy. Our mental health and wellbeing programmes are backed by 20 years of clinical research and feature proven tools and content designed to help you feel better.
Choose a programme
During sign-up, we’ll ask you to fill in some questionnaires so we can make sure this is the service for you. If we’re unsure, we’ll arrange a call to assess your requirements. If it turns out SilverCloud is not suitable for you, we will signpost you to more appropriate support.
Get Started
Work through your programme at a time and pace that suits you. Complete it on a mobile phone, computer or tablet – without the need to keep appointments or travel to clinics.
How it works