SilverCloud Sign-up
SilverCloud Sign-up Start
Welcome to SilverCloud

Before we begin, please note:
- Everything you do on SilverCloud will remain completely confidential, with should it become apparent that you or someone else is at risk of harm.
- If your supporter believes there is a physical danger to you or another person, or that intervention may be necessary to protect you or others from physical harm.
- If there is a legal requirement for your supporter to provide information to others.
- If your supporter feels that a child is at risk or is experiencing emotional, physical, sexual abuse or neglect this may have to be reported to social services in line with child protection guidelines.
- To give you the best experience there are elements of your information that we need to store and process, in line with our
- information you enter directly;
- information given about you (by a supporter);
- and information collected automatically when you use the platform.
- SilverCloud is not an emergency service as your supporter can’t respond to you in real-time. If you need urgent help please
Please Note: For your own and others’ safety, there are some situations where complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed:
SilverCloud takes your privacy and security very seriously, and we consider carefully any information that we need to collect or store.
The only information that we collect is:
This includes personal details, information about your mental health or usage details (for example when you log in and which pages you viewed).
We do this in order to make the platform work (for example, in order to show you which pages you have viewed or to communicate with your supporter), and also to better understand how it is being used so that we can keep improving.
If you would like to know more, you can read our full privacy notice at any stage by visiting your help centre. Or by using the link at the bottom of every page.
To commit to getting the most out of your programme, it is important that you .
SilverCloud is an online programme that uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT is a psychological therapy that works on the relationships between thoughts (cognitions), behaviours and feelings. It has been widely studied and proven to work for a number of mental health difficulties.
We hope to help you develop your CBT skills in order to better recognise and tackle problems in the here and now, rather than in the past.
Throughout the programme, reference is made to your ‘supporter’. To clarify, your supporter will be the health boards Online CBT coordinator, who will offer online administrative and motivational support throughout the programme and will review your progress regularly. They can be contacted by email to or by telephone on 01874 712 428
We are happy to communicate with you in either Welsh or English and will reply in the language you choose to use. If you prefer to communicate in Welsh, please inform us by contacting
Should you require any clinical advice, please contact the healthcare professional who referred/signposted you to the programme.
If you are undertaking the Blended service, your ‘supporter’ will be your Blended Online CBT Practitioner, from Ponthafren or MIND, who will review your progress at your fortnightly face to face sessions.
Between these sessions, the health boards Online CBT Coordinator will monitor your account in terms of risk, as described in item 4 below. There are questionnaires to complete fortnightly which gives your supporter an idea of your general mental wellbeing and highlights any risk concerns. It can also provide an opportunity to check in with yourself and how you are feeling.
As an NHS service, we have a Zero Tolerance Policy against violence and aggression of any kind. Individuals behaving aggressively or inappropriately towards NHS staff members, verbally or through online communication, may result in being discharged from our service.
Definition of violence/aggression: offensive content, including verbal, text and unsuitable pictures, will not be acceptable – e.g. swearing, pornography, extremist language, racism, hate or anything that is deemed inappropriate by the team.
The client undertakes:
- I take full responsibility for working through SilverCloud at my own pace and choosing the activities I do.
- I understand that I may receive reminder emails or texts from the programme.
- I understand that SilverCloud is not an emergency support programme.
- I understand that my supporter will log in to review my progress regularly.
- I understand that only material I share with my supporter will be available for them to view.
- If the programme is not for me, I will inform my supporter before leaving SilverCloud.
- I will consult with a medical doctor if advised to do so.
- I understand that if I am in crisis or feeling very distressed I will contact supportive family, friends, my GP or one of the other contacts suggested on the "Find Help" page and listed below:
Community Advice & Listening Line (C.A.L.L) – 0800 132 737
The Samaritans – 116123
Childline - 0800 1111
(These are free phone numbers contactable 24hours a day, 7 days a week). - I understand that I am responsible for my own safety, and that of others, and have a responsibility to protect, maintain and improve my own wellbeing.
- If I self-referred, I confirm I am registered with a GP surgery in Wales and/or I am a Wales resident.
- I agree to use the programme regularly and to complete the therapy tasks available to me, which my supporter will review every two weeks.
- If I have any difficulties with the programme, I know I can speak to my supporter.
- If I have any difficulties managing myself and my safety, or if I tell my supporter that someone else might not be safe, I know that my supporter will contact my referrer or another appropriate clinician, in order to keep me, or another person, safe.
- I agree to share my correct contact details and correct GP details so that my supporter is able to get in touch with me if necessary.
Data from the programme and your experience will be used for research and service development studies. This will always be in an anonymised format, and no personal identifiable information will be used. As a User of SilverCloud you may be contacted at a later date asking if you would be willing to participate in the study at which point further details will be explained and you are then free to choose if you do or do not.
The supporter undertakes:
- To encourage you through the programme in order to help you develop CBT skills.
- To regularly review your progress.
- To keep your personal contact information private – You have a username and password so that no-one else can access the details you enter into the programme. Only the material you to choose to share with your supporter will be reviewed along with the clinical questionnaires asked at certain points throughout the programme.
- To inform your GP and/or healthcare professional of your participation in the programme and progress if you've been referred into the service.
- I will not disclose information about you except in the event of any risk concerns based on your questionnaire answers and/or any content shared with me on the platform. Clinical advice will be sought and your GP or referring healthcare professional informed, where appropriate, as per the health board’s policy.
- If you have self-referred to SilverCloud, and in the event of a ‘risk alert’ following the completing of the risk questions, this will be dealt with by the supporting team who will take appropriate action, as per the health board’s policy.
- On reviewing your progress, if reports of criminal activity are noticed then clinical advice will be sought and judgment will be taken as to whether the disclosure meets the threshold of the Department of Health NHS Codes of Practice: Supplementary Guidance Public Interest Disclosures. If the disclosure does meet the threshold, then the Online CBT coordinator or reviewing clinician will contact the appropriate authority.
Please note: Personal information will only be accessed by your ‘Supporter’ but will be shared, if required, in compliance with the service policies and protocols, including UK data protection legislation. However, as Powys Teaching Health Board (PTHB) is the overarching SilverCloud platform holder for NHS Wales, they have the ability to access all data and personal information, if appropriate.
Data from the programme may be used for research and service development however this will always be in an anonymised format, no personal identifiable information will be used for this purpose.
As a rule, we do not delete data, as the information you share with us will make up part of your medical records. When we collect and use your personal information, we will ensure this is processed in accordance with at least one of the lawful basis available to PTHB under data protection legislation. For further information on how the health board manages your data, please see the health board Privacy Notice Privacy - Powys Teaching Health Board (